Mohammed Al-Madhoun, Developer in Gaza, Palestine
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Mohammed Al-Madhoun

Verified Expert  in Engineering

WordPress Developer

Gaza, Palestine
Toptal Member Since
March 5, 2018

Mohammed's overall focus is on developing elegant web-based solutions, though his specialty is developing WordPress plugins and themes. In the last five years, he's developed more than 35 websites, customizing plugins and themes based on customer requirements. Mohammed is most interested in projects that include customizing WooCommerce plugins and extensions. He fell in love with this platform, has read everything about it, and knows it well.


Wendy Clark Design: Web Design & Graphic Design
Microsoft Excel, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, WordPress...
WordPress, PHP, PHP 7, SQL, MySQL, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript...
The Design Library
WooCommerce, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, WordPress, WordPress Design...




Preferred Environment

XAMPP, Chrome, MacOS, Windows, Git, LAMP, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...eCommerce site I've developed for a client included five custom business-related plugins to help increase conversion rate with page speed less than 500ms.

Work Experience

WordPress Developer

2017 - PRESENT
Wendy Clark Design: Web Design & Graphic Design
  • Created plugins with Ajax calls and jQuery filtering.
  • Converted a large Excel sheet to a front-end calculator with big back-end operations and settings.
  • Developed responsive front-end features which are fully compatible with visual composer.
  • Built plugins to automatically clean content from inline styles while migrating to a new website.
  • Designed a plugin to migrate products and categories to WooCommerce from another eCommerce plugin called "shopp."
  • Set up a ticketing system and integrated it with an events management system.
  • Arranged the security certificate on clients' websites to use SSL.
  • Set up payment gateways for their clietns and investigated and fixed payment gateway integration.
Technologies: Microsoft Excel, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, WordPress, WordPress Design, PHP, PHP 7, MySQL, SQL, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Web Development, Git, GitHub, Programming, WordPress Cron, Back-end, Front-end, Databases, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, WPBakery, Mailchimp, Contact Form 7, WordPress API, WordPress REST API, PayPal, Ticketing, Ticket Systems, PSD to WordPress, WordPress Theme Design, Ajax, Cloudflare, Plugins

Senior WordPress Back-end Developer

2021 - 2022
  • Worked on integrating huge database API into WordPress theme; Built a synchronization logic to synchronize the data imported from the database API. The synchronization logic is fully compatible with the WPML plugin.
  • Developed a theme based on the client's designs from scratch; it had a full and lite version.
  • Created a content importer plugin to import articles from other WordPress websites with this plugin to support the export. The importer plugin is fully compatible with the WPML plugin.
  • Used the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin to build the website settings pages.
Technologies: WordPress, PHP, PHP 7, SQL, MySQL, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, LAMP, WordPress Multisite, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, Web Development, Git, GitHub, Programming, WordPress Cron, Back-end, Front-end, Databases, Shortcodes, Widgets, Website Maintenance, Support & Maintenance, Custom Post Types, Responsive, Responsive Layout, Responsive UI, Responsiveness, Responsive UX Design, Responsive Design, Responsive Coding, CSS Grid, WPML, User Roles, GDPR, APIs, REST APIs, API Integration, WordPress API, WordPress REST API, Ajax, User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web UX Design, Web UX, User Interface (UI), UI Design, Web UI Design, Web UI, Figma, Agile, Jira, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Plugins, Project Consultancy

WordPress Developer

2018 - 2019
The Design Library
  • Extended WooCommerce products by adding custom fields and custom taxonomies.
  • Migrated old product information, images, and variations to the new website.
  • Customized the plugin "YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote.".
  • Created an advanced search form using all 11 product custom fields and the product title and SKU to filter the products.
  • Integrated the product zoom plugin with the functionality of popup slideshow images.
  • Customized the WooCommerce my account page content and links (endpoints).
  • Personalized the WooCommerce checkout page messages and layout.
Technologies: WooCommerce, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, WordPress, WordPress Design, PHP, PHP 7, SQL, MySQL, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Git, GitHub, Programming, Back-end, Front-end, WPBakery, PSD to WordPress, User Interface (UI), UI Design, Web UI Design, Web UI, Sucuri, Plugins

WordPress Developer

2017 - 2018
Catchword | Brand Naming Agency
  • Created plugins to pull data from third-party APIs and formatted this information on the client website; the client has many options to style these data.
  • Developed plugins to add extensions to the visual composer plugin and special shortcodes for pages, posts, and widgets.
  • Built pages and websites based on the client's designs.
Technologies: WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, WordPress, PHP, PHP 7, SQL, MySQL, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Web Development, Git, GitHub, Programming, Back-end, Front-end, WPBakery, APIs, REST APIs, WordPress API, WordPress REST API, API Integration, Plugins

Migrating a Webflow Website to a New WordPress Website
The website was built using Webflow as a static website. I helped the client maintain the Webflow website while we were working on the new WordPress website. I exported the Webflow content and media files to be ready for importing on the new WordPress website. I worked with the client on analyzing and categorizing the current content meaningfully. Then, we created a new sitemap for the website.

I also worked on creating wireframes for the website to make the client understand the new structure very well. I worked with the client to create the UX/UI of their website. I used Figma to create the desktop and mobile versions of the website, and here you can see the designs:

The website was built using two main plugins: Elementor Pro and Dynamic Content for Elementor – Add-ons. The main website blocks were built using the Elementor Loop Item templates. We added customization to the loop queries. I created eight different loop item templates, four single post templates, three archive templates, one popup, header, and footer templates.

The final result was a 100% pixel-perfect website and designs. The client may adjust the website page designs and content without getting back to me.

MediaTech Incubator
A multisite system built using BuddyBoss and LearnDash to allow users to register through the MediaTech cohorts and enable the users to engage and help each other. We are using BuddyBoss Forms to customize the registration process in addition to several other plugins.

People Data Synchronization
The project included building a multisite network in addition to stand-alone websites. All websites pull people's data to list them from a centralized database called Hitobito (

The project handled 300+ websites in both multisite network websites and stand-alone websites. The network websites and the stand-alone website used the WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML).

I worked with the client to develop two plugins from scratch and two versions of the main theme: a full version and a light version with basic functionalities. One plugin was to manage the logic of pulling people from the Hitobito database and storing them in the WP database. I utilized the custom post type with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to build the people profiles on the website. The plugin supported WPML functionalities, adding the content in the correct language and connecting the translation programmatically.

The other plugin was to manage auto-content synchronization between the network websites. The website admin can add the source sites' links with the same plugin installed and active. Then, the admin can select the articles and pages to keep synchronized with the source website.

The UX/UI of the client's website. I worked with the client to create the UX/UI of their website. I used Adobe XD, and here you can see exported images of the pages: I also worked on the development of the website. I built the website using the Gutenberg editor and used the GeneratePress theme ( as the basic theme because it is a lightweight WordPress theme focusing on speed, stability, and accessibility. In addition, I used the GenerateBlocks ( plugin to add some basic blocks to Gutenberg. The plugin is a small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.

In addition, I developed ten custom blocks to match the clients' UX/UI designs. The blocks include the Toggle switch, Testimonials, Tabs, Icon Box, Flip Card, Featured Box, Facts Carousel, Counter, Cards Carousel, and Accordion.

I also created a simple, special user manual to help the client manage his website after finalizing the project. Here, you can find a copy of this manual:

The Varsity Collective
Worked mainly on the Gravity Forms plugin and integrated it with Stripe to support receiving donations. I worked on these two pages: and

The donation form was set up to support the one-time donation and the recurring monthly donation. I set both forms to send money to different Stripe accounts based on the user selections. I helped the website admin set both forms to send receipts automatically. I also helped fix some layout and responsiveness issues with Gravity Forms.

Fishing Books and Online Courses Website
Provided ongoing maintenance for this client's website since 2022. The website uses Elementor, LearnDash, ShopEngine, Advanced Custom Fields, and more. I integrated Brevo (formerly SendInBlue) for email management and automation. I also integrated LearnDash Groups with Brevo for email list management.

I enhanced UI/UX and redesigned Shop and product category pages. I also customized My Account page sections and added new ones, set up a custom map with video popups on a specific page, and optimized Cloudflare for WordPress and WooCommerce. I configured the "Finale Evergreen Campaigns" plugin. I also advised on business decisions like cart abandonment and product review plugins. I linked hardcover and e-book products using Linked Variations, improving PageSpeed Insights score to above 90.

I am currently developing a B2B subsite.

Smart Homes Designer Tool

I worked with this client to build a custom tool using Gravity Forms, and the tool allows the user to select preferences through a wizard that is built using the Gravity Forms plugin. The tool will generate a PDF design of the home's floor and front interface based on the user selections.

Website Enhancements for a Non-profit Organization
I worked with BuildPalestine to complete the following tasks:
• Building custom blocks in Divi to allow them to add complex content based on their designs.
• Helping them set up their Strip account, connect it to Donorbox, and integrate the form on their website.
• Fixing some Divi-related issues, like performance and display.
• Fixing their security issue and installing and setting up Sucuri service.

Brand Management Platform Plugin

The Brand Management Platform helps companies in managing their brand. It hosts all its brand guidelines and assets in a single, cloud-based location.

The plugin has its navigation layout and uses the native WP menu items. The plugin has page templates for the public, login-protected, login, and registration pages. It introduces new 18 Gutenberg blocks to build the branding pages of companies. The plugin extends the users' roles and privileges by adding these roles: Editor Plus, Internal User, and External User.

For registration and account creation, there are three different workflows:
• Admin creating accounts.
• Using the registration page and activated by admin.
• Using the registration page and activated using the invitation code.

The plugin can be customized for each client to represent the corresponding client brand design. The editor can execute the customization using a dedicated WP settings page.

The settings include 45+ different options.

The plugin supports search functionality to search content and files. It supports Google Analytics. The tracking code could be added to the settings, in which case a cookie consent banner will be displayed on the login page.

Media Management Plugin

The plugin adds a file type to each uploaded media item. The file types are (photo, document, video, audio, logo, presentation, etc.), and the admin can choose them. The plugin extends the native WP media library functionality by adding folders, collections, categories, and tags. The admin can add the media library items to any of these new taxonomies.

The plugin visually represents folders and collections on the main media library control panel page. The admin can select and drag/drop items on the folders and collections. It also has a shortcode creator where the admin can piece together the shortcode by choosing the functionalities he wants to be displayed in the front end. By changing the toggle buttons, the shortcode changes accordingly (parameters are set to "on" or "off"). The admin can copy the shortcode and paste it, e.g., into a page or post-type.

The plugin has its own settings page that is divided by tabbed navigation into four sections (General, Appearance, MIME-Types, and Translations). It automatically creates a low-resolution version for each uploaded image/photo file (JPG or PNG) (72 dpi, 1400px width).

An Online Learning Management System Done for Gaza Sky Geeks and Mercy Corps
A website built using the Elementor page builder.

This website uses BuddyPress to build users' profiles and add the extra users' profile fields. The student can register and start taking courses, finish courses, and get PDF certificates. The system supports adding quizzes, exams, and assignments.

• I created a special plugin to integrate the students' information and activities with the client's HubSpot database.

• I created a special plugin to search, show, and export students' information based on their custom fields data (like gender, address, year of birth, etc.) and their activities on the system. The exported reports are special Excel files that Mercy Corps reporters' specialists use, and the files are preformatted as requested by Mercy Corps.

• I created a plugin to save custom email templates and send them to students based on their activities on the system and after a specific period specified in the email template settings. The website admin can select which students will receive the email based on their custom field data and the courses they had finished.

Online Property and Apartment Searching Platform
This website was built using the Divi page builder and the DiviEstate theme. I revamped it using Gutenberg custom blocks, GeneratePress, and GenerateBlocks. I built 20 dynamic Gutenberg blocks with React to make the final result 100% pixel-perfect as the designs. The custom blocks included an advanced property search, property carousels, and custom single property pages with affiliate buttons, galleries, and standout features. Property features were organized with custom taxonomies, improving database response.

Additionally, I used Gutenberg reusable blocks for articles, offering content flexibility. Property locations were structured hierarchically for precise filtering, and customizable property status/types enhanced the front-end display. The revamp improved performance, user experience, and content management, showcasing the power of React and Gutenberg Blocks in web development. - International Client
This website was built using Elementor Pro Page Builder. I worked mainly on the homepage and the product page:, where I received designs from the client and started working on them.

On the product page, I created the following custom blocks:
• Video slider, with three slides and a top progress bar that catches the video playtime and progress while the video progresses. When the video is ended, the next transaction is triggered, and the next slide is displayed.
• Icons vertical scroll up and down section.
• Inline videos played in the loop and handled as images to replace the low-resolution gif images.
• A block with several layers of background images, graphics, and text to get the final result in the lightest possible weight.

Wonderful Lighting Equipments Agency
Extended WooCommerce products by adding two custom taxonomies and one custom field that was added to a PDF.

Migrated old product information, images, and variations to the new website with the "WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite" plugin.

Set the "YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote" plugin so visitors can add products to their request and then send the request to the website admin.

Created an advanced search form that uses all 11 custom fields, the product title, and SKU to filter the products.

Added the FAQ page as accordions.

I created a sticky sidebar for the single project page that sticks to the screen while users scroll down.

Integrated the product zoom plugin with the functionality of popup slideshow images. When users hover on a gallery image, the image will zoom and move based on the mouse movement, and a plus icon will open the image in a popup slideshow.

Customized my account page content, links (endpoints), and the checkout page messages and layout.

Updated the server PHP and MySQL to the latest versions.

Elegant Interior Design Company Website
• I created the required pages for this website based on my client's requirements and content.

• I created two special pages for this client:

• The team page: I used a plugin called "The Team Pro - Team Showcase WordPress Plugin," customized the layout, and added the popup action, so when you click on one team member, you will see complete information about them.

• The careers page: the client can add jobs as he wants; the form on the left of the page will automatically get the published job title selected when one website visitor wants to apply. The jobs are displayed on the front end as accordions.

• I also created a PDF booklet to help my client manage his website in the future without getting back to me; the booklet consists of 33 pages and includes very detailed images with detailed steps on how to add/edit/remove his website content.

3D Offices and Companies Design Company
• I worked with this client to create several internal pages with totally different layouts and designs, here are the internal pages that I worked on:

• I helped the client in the design process, then I worked on building the website to match the design ideas.

• The theme was built using the Underscores starter theme.

Highly WooCommerce Customized Website
Set up the security plugin configuration and the SSL certificate correctly to make the website highly secure.

The old content (products, pages, posts, and custom posts) was migrated to their new website (500+ entries were migrated).

Created a plugin to export products from shop plugin to CSV file, made the data compatible with the WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite, and stripped all the inline styles from the contents of the products.

Migrated the product categories and tags from the shop plugin to WooCommerce.

Made the following WooCommerce customizations:
• Connected products with specific other products and displayed them on the front end as related products.
• Updated the product gallery to display the product video at the end of the gallery.
• Added a code to filter available shipping methods and if free shipping is allowed based on the address and cart items.

Set up the ticketing system on the website with the Event Calendar plugin and WooCommerce so that the website admin can sell tickets for events based on several locations and dates.

Created an auto-menu filler in the footer.

Fixed several plugin conflict issues that were causing the WordPress control panel to stop working properly.

Muuduu Furniture
• I created a plugin to filter the zip codes on the checkout page; if the zip code does not pass the filter, the client email is automatically sent to Mailchimp API.

• The second plugin I created was a cron job that runs every day to check the old orders that remain in specific status for a specific amount of days and automatically create tickets for them on Zendesk using the Zendesk API. The tickets are made once per minute to avoid overwhelming the Zendesk API.

• The third plugin was an update on a ticket creator plugin to allow the users to attach images to their tickets. Here I checked the user email and order ID and used the WordPress nonce field to make the form as secure as possible. The user can create a ticket and attach several images if the order is found.

Tours API Integration and Customization Project

• I created a plugin to scrape some information from the Bands In Town (BIT) application and API: (

• The plugin is compatible with WPBakery (formerly Visual Composer).

• The website admin can specify the API arguments within the shortcode attributes and the visual composer block option popup.

• The visual composer block options popup has several options that enable the website admin to manage the layout and look of the front-end data and buttons. Also, the admin can use Google fonts within the visual composer block options popup.

• I solved several pugs and issues for this client caused by updating the main theme and plugins.

Tamatem Co. Fully Responsive Website
I created the website using UpLift Theme ( I received the designs from Tamatem Company and started working on them to create website pages.

The website has several animations; some pages have entirely different templates from the whole website.

Special Calculator
I created a calculator plugin; the calculator took five inputs from the user and made about 90+ back-end operations to generate the three output values of the calculator.

The calculator has 60+ back-end predefined values, which could be set up from the plugin back-end options page.

Dynamic Team Members Filter With Bio Window.

I created a plugin to display the team members with a filter on top of them; when one of the filters is clicked, the team members are filtered dynamically according to the selected filter.

When one of the team members clicked a panel open under it, it loaded using Ajax with his bio. The filter is 100% responsive.

Ideas Voting Website
• I set up the comments rating plugin and customized it to look exactly like my client's designs (visitors and users can vote up/down on the comments).
• I also added custom input fields on the front-end that enable the visitors to add their emails and suggested names (comments) and add the comment directly to the names list.

Website Duplication, from Shopify to Wordpress and WooCommerce

I created the website using Be Theme (

I used WooCommerce as a replacement for the client's website on Shopify. I migrated all products and reviews from the old Shopify to this new WooCommerce website.

Using the guarantee badge, I created a custom plugin to display the product review count at the bottom of the page. When a visitor clicks on the badge, a popup will display the reviews with pagination and Ajax loading the review pages.

I integrated a visual composer extension to display the on-sale products on the home page with styling and hover effect; created a custom menu "shop by style," which displays links to specific product tags, and updated the CyberSource payment gateway to accept the recurring payments since it supported only one-time payments and integrated it with WooCommerce subscription API.

I integrated the WooCommerce Advanced Reviews Plugin and used some parts of the plugin to display the reviews count and rating in several places on the single product page.

I integrated the soon plugin to display a timer on the home page, and when the timer is clicked or finished, it will redirect the user to a predefined URL. I also set up an SSL certificate for the client.

Professional Fitness Daily Website
I selected the most appropriate theme based on the client's wireframes and designs.

I created the main five pages on the site and added demo data to the site.

I set up the WooCommerce plugin, so the client can promote his courses and sell them online, and the social media sharing plugin on the site.

I did all the required tests to ensure the website was responsive for tablets and all phones.

Multivendor WooCommerce Store with Dokan

I worked with a client from Turkey to build his multivendor website. We used WooCommerce with the Dokan plugin to build the main functionality of the store.

We also set up Stripe Connect with YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce to facilitate the splitting of payments between multi-receivers.

Innovative Real Estate Website with Dynamic Investment Calculator
I recently completed a project that involved working with the Houzez theme, Elementor, Advanced Custom Fields, and other essential tools.

My primary task was to tailor the Houzez theme to align seamlessly with the client's specific requirements and vision. To address a specific need, I created a custom "Investment Calculator" feature for properties listed for sale on the website. This tool can be accessed when viewing the details of any property, such as this example:

The "Investment Calculator" was meticulously crafted using Vue, allowing dynamic interaction with all the fields. Users can control and adjust values effortlessly through intuitive sliders.

This project not only showcased my expertise in WordPress development but also demonstrated my proficiency with Vue, a key technology in delivering this innovative feature that enhanced the website's functionality and user experience.


PHP, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, PHP 7, CSS, CSS3, SQL


jQuery, React, Stripe Connect, Stripe Connect API, Stripe API, WordPress REST API, WordPress API, WooCommerce API, BuddyPress, Stripe, Zendesk API, REST APIs, Google Analytics API, Google Maps


LearnDash, Microsoft Excel, GitHub, Git, WPBakery, Mailchimp, Gutenberg Editor, WPML, Google Analytics, Trello, Figma, Sketch, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Slider Revolution, Jira, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Stripe Checkout, SendinBlue


WordPress, WooCommerce, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Windows, MacOS, XAMPP, Zendesk, WordPress Theme Design, LAMP, Webflow


HTML to WordPress, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, PSD to WordPress, WordPress Design, User Experience (UX), eCommerce, Elementor, Gravity Forms, Plugins, APIs, Stripe Payments, Dokan, Sucuri, Project Consultancy, WordPress Cron, Ticketing, Ticket Systems, Web Development, UI Animation, Programming, Back-end, Front-end, Contact Form 7, PayPal, Ajax, User Interface (UI), Web UI, API Integration, Cloudflare, User Roles, GDPR, Shortcodes, Widgets, Website Maintenance, Support & Maintenance, WordPress to PDF, HubSpot, HubSpot CRM, Learning Management Systems (LMS), HubSpot API, Custom Post Types, Optimization, Performance, CSS3 Animation, Web UX, Iframes, Event Calendars, Event Ticketing, WordPress Multisite, Responsive UI, Responsiveness, Responsive UX Design, Responsive Design, CSS Grid, Content Management, Content Management Systems (CMS), ShopEngine, Development, Themes, GeneratePress, GenerateBlocks, Brevo


MySQL, Databases, WP Engine


Chrome, Divi


UX Design, UI Design, Web UI Design, Web UX Design, Responsive, Responsive Layout, Responsive Coding, Agile, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Responsive Development

Industry Expertise

Web Design

2017 - 2017

Training Course in Freelancing

Gaza Sky Geeks, MercyCorps - Gaza, Palestine

2014 - 2014

Certified Professional in Requirements Engineering (Foundation Level)

International Software Quality Institution (iSQI), Germany. In-corporate with MercyCorps - Gaza, Palestine

2013 - 2013

Training Course in Secure Software Development

Information Assurance Centre – The Islamic University of Gaza - Gaza, Palestine

2013 - 2013

Training Course in Entrepreneurship Projects Management

Business and Technology Incubator (BTI) - Gaza, Palestine

2000 - 2005

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

The Islamic University of Gaza - Gaza, Palestine

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