Marko Radošević,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国巴尼亚卢卡的开发者
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Marko Radošević

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Toptal Member Since
September 27, 2016

Marko是一名计算机科学领域的电气工程师,在软件开发方面拥有超过五年的专业经验. As a certified Oracle Java SE 8 programmer, 他在使用广泛的基于java的技术开发企业应用程序方面拥有深入的知识, APIs, and frameworks. 对于marko来说,尊重截止日期与交付高质量和干净的代码同样重要.


Brainwave Hub (via Toptal)
React, JavaScript, MyBatis, Vert.x, Java
CRMSuite (via Toptal)
GitLab, Kubernetes,微服务,协议缓冲,gRPC, Spring, Java
codecentric AG
React, Akka, Scala, OAuth 2, JPA, JSF, vadin, REST, Security, Data, Spring MVC...




Preferred Environment

Apache Maven, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Linux

The most amazing...

...thing I have coded is a self-learning system for marketing research.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2019
Brainwave Hub (via Toptal)
  • Build a RESTful web service using Vert.x.
  • 集成Provet Cloud(云兽医管理系统).
  • Wrote integration and smoke tests for the front end and back end.
  • Developed the front-end application and added support for i18n.
Technologies: React, JavaScript, MyBatis, Vert.x, Java

Software Developer

2018 - 2019
CRMSuite (via Toptal)
  • 使用Spring Boot和gRPC (HTTP 2)设计并构建了一个可扩展的解决方案.0) based microservices.
  • Integrated third-party APIs (REST, SOAP, FlatFile, CSV, 以及更多),并将数据规范化到协议缓冲区定义的公共模型.
  • Migrated legacy integrations to the new system.
  • 开发了一个业务规则管理系统,用于将决策逻辑捕获为业务规则,然后将其外部化,并在应用程序代码之外进行管理.
技术:GitLab, Kubernetes,微服务,协议缓冲,gRPC, Spring, Java

Software Developer

2014 - 2018
codecentric AG
  • Developed the ICIS claim module integrated into a pre-existing ICIS; then analyzed and designed the developed software projects and enhancements.
  • 作为两人团队的一员,使用结对编程敏捷软件开发技术,架构和构建产品引擎(原型)系统,并参与完整的SDLC.
  • 使用Spring social框架开发与Facebook和Google+社交平台的集成.
  • 开发了OAuth2集成,用于保护微服务间通信和用户身份验证,并通过软登录功能扩展Spring Security OAuth2实现.
  • 设计并实现了与商业银行的金融系统集成,并集成了PayPal支付标准.
  • 与项目干系人(内部和外部)沟通,创建技术设计文档.
  • 维护和开发道格拉斯香水网店的新功能,并将当前系统迁移到更新的技术.
  • 学习Scala和Akka(响应式编程),并参与内部项目Zeitwerk的开发, a work hours tracking application.
  • 为总部大部分涉及建立本地网络基础设施的网络相关工作提供技术咨询.
  • 对软件开发人员和工程师候选人进行技术面试指导.
Technologies: React, Akka, Scala, OAuth 2, JPA, JSF, vadin, REST, Security, Data, Spring MVC, Java EE

Software Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Managed a team of two developers; organized the software development process, methodology, and environment.
  • 使用JUnit和Selenium执行质量保证、单元和集成测试.
  • 编写软件需求的规格说明和文档,并制作手册, wiki pages, and user/client documentation.
  • Developed a converter module for the m:tel mediation system. 该系统的主要功能是根据预定义的映射和过滤角色,将各种输入数据转换为其他通用和规范化的数据类型.
Technologies: JSF, MongoDB, Selenium, JUnit, Spring Batch, Java EE

Product Engine (Prototype)

我将一个用Oracle Forms编写的旧应用程序(用于产品管理)迁移到更新的技术上.

Unified Dealer API (UDA)

这是一个集成了大量第三方api (REST)的系统, SOAP, FlatFile, CSV, and more) and normalizes the data to a common model.

ICIS Claim Module


m:tel Mediation

The m:tel mediation platform is a system used to collect, collate, 转换特定数据类型的话单(通话详细记录)数据(35种格式:二进制), ASN.1/BER, XML, and CSV).

The data was converted to other common and normalized datatypes, 根据预定义的过滤角色,如计费目的, including international wholesale billing and data warehousing.

Perfumery Douglas
我维护了一个网店,执行了新功能,并将当前系统迁移到更新的技术(Play Framework)。.

道格拉斯是一家位于德国杜塞尔多夫的国际香水连锁店. 在19个国家拥有约1900家香水店,销售额约为2000亿美元.70亿欧元,道格拉斯可以被认为是欧洲香水市场的领导者. Platform
I worked with an Agile team to build the platform which allows a user to manage, get offers, and change their contracts (cellphone, gas, electricity, and more).

In essence, 我们设计并构建了一个高度并行的可扩展微服务解决方案, asynchronous, and robust for long-term stability.

PetPanion (MVP)

我开发了一个兽医服务,帮助宠物主人跟踪宠物的医疗信息, get medical advice, 在线或通过移动应用程序安排兽医预约, and much more.


Java, C, Scala, CSS3, JavaScript, HTML5, C++


Hibernate, Spring MVC, JPA, JSF, Vaadin, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), JUnit, Spring, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Selenium, Akka, gRPC, Vert.x, Spring Boot, OAuth 2, Mockito, AngularJS


JAX-RS, MyBatis, React


Java EE, JSE, Oracle, Linux, Kubernetes, Docker, Android


Spring Data, Spring Data REST, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, MongoDB


Apache Maven, Servlet, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, SonarQube, Apache Tomcat, GitLab, Jenkins


Scrum, Object-oriented Design (OOD), REST, Reactive Programming, Microservices, Functional Programming


企业Java bean (EJB),数据,安全,协议缓冲区,Spring云

2013 - 2017

Master's Degree in Computer Science


2003 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science


Collaboration That Works

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