斯蒂芬。 is 可用 租用
雇佣 斯蒂芬。


验证专家  in 产品管理



斯蒂芬。 is a physician and versatile product manager with extensive startup experience as a founder and software developer. 他在电子商务方面有专长, API产品, B2B SaaS产品, 物流及航运, 以及生物技术/健康技术. Previously he’s worked for 风险投资支持创业s (funded by Union Square Ventures, 酸性合资企业, 即插即用), 他最近在达特茅斯获得了医学博士学位. 斯蒂芬喜欢帮助创始人解决棘手的分析问题.


Led development and operations for launching a mission-critical product for one of the largest 电子商务 brands in the world.
Led a team in creating an empirical approach to future product development and used that approach to redesign a core product.




2016 - 2018
  • 七宝核心产品用户同比增长76%.
  • Established a product management process across teams and product areas.
  • 主导核心产品的全面重新设计.
  • Developed and implemented the measurement of metrics and KPIs for each product area.
  • Conducted detailed user interviews and created in-app user feedback loops.

CEO |创始人

2014 - 2016
  • Bootstrapped an 电子商务 startup with funding from 500 Startups and VTF Capital.
  • 订阅电子商务业务增长到超过2家,000名订阅者和500多美元,000 ARR(会计收益率).
  • Built and managed a team of five including the shipping and logistics, 社交媒体营销, 以及客户体验.
  • Designed and developed an internal admin tool for the management of customer profiles and subscription data.
  • Planned and implemented digital ad campaigns to drive product growth and deliver LTV:CAC ratios >10.


2012 - 2014
  • Implemented metrics measurement best practices for the evaluation of early-stage product and to inform product development.
  • 根据客户反馈和指标对功能更改进行优先级排序.
  • 研究ed and designed product prototypes and worked with business stakeholders to develop product roadmaps.
  • Improved the website performance to allow for more 敏捷 product development practices.
  • 调查竞争性商业模式、市场份额和规模.


2012 - 2012
  • Interfaced with external teams to define architectural requirements for the payments product API.
  • Prototyped a technology product (iOS) to be launched within the Groupon Payments ecosystem.
  • Provided product leadership in conceptualizing applications of leading-edge mobile technology including new Bluetooth protocols.


2010 - 2012
  • Designed and developed mobile ordering and payments apps and merchant-facing order management tools for quick-service hospitality.
  • 获得大客户(例如.g.(Philz Coffee)),并将订单规模扩大到每天数千份.
  • Raised venture funding from a prestigious startup incubator (AngelPad).


Led development and operations for launching a mission-critical product for one of the largest 电子商务 brands in the world.

While at 七宝, I was lucky to work with some of the largest 电子商务 brands in the world. Here, I led the development and launch of a custom shipping solution for a large 电子商务 customer. The commercial and product implementations were complex and high-risk for both parties and involved several challenging deadlines that could not be moved. Staged rollouts and other common methods of derisking a product launch were not possible as they are typically so we had to work extremely closely with engineering departments both internally and with the customer to be fully prepared for loads of product and server usage at the deadlines.

另外, we had to make subtle and challenging product development decisions during protracted negotiations with the customer, exposing the delicate balance of being customer-centric in your approach to developing product and ensuring that your product development is extensible and strategically leverageable for other customers and across verticals.



在我创办第二家公司之初, I developed and launched an MVP using best practices from Lean product development, 包括需求测试(使用登陆页和冒烟测试), 测试营销渠道,开发CAC和LTV模型, and soliciting feedback from early users to inform product development. I also optimized ad and marketing campaigns across Facebook, AdWords, Reddit, and direct email.

This project led to significant traction (both revenue and subscribers) which led to seed funding from Vegas Tech Fund and 500 startups.


Led a team in creating an empirical approach to future product development and used that approach to redesign a core product.

在这个项目中, I pioneered—using metrics and measurement—to guide product development and an early-stage, 风险投资支持创业. The previous product development had been informed by qualitative conversations with customers and some aggregate data from the customer service team but had lacked in-product measurement of core metrics of the product's success.

I developed a plan for defining these core metrics and then implementing them using client- and server-side tools. I then used this data to develop hypotheses about how the product could be improved and led the design team in developing redesigned UI and UX flows to test these hypotheses following a lean software development process.

在六个月的时间里, these product-development cycles resulted in significant improvements in the core product metrics which was reflected in improved customer feedback (e.g.(NPS分数)和提高产品粘性.
2018 - 2022



2003 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics and Cognitive Science, Mathematics




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