Mikasa Sonnenberg, 设计师 in Johannesburg, South Africa
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Mikasa Sonnenberg

验证专家  in 设计


Johannesburg, South Africa
Toptal Member Since
January 24, 2019

Mikasa has over a decade of experience with branding—working on numerous startups from restaurants, clothing stores, sustainable businesses, 和更多的. She has been a part of one of South Africa's largest financial institutions, 标准银行, for more than five years working as one of the senior product designers creating designs for iOS, 安卓, and web products. She is meticulous and passionate and works with a user-centered design approach.




  • Worked as a UI and UX designer and was responsible for the insurance products (iOS and 安卓) including creating a fully digital claims process from beginning to end.
  • 设计ed a payback/settlement feature for motor and vehicle assets lending products.
  • Migrated an independent staff-facing, client management features into the digital banking platform for international offshore banking.
  • Worked with a team establishing the design system for the bank.
  • Ran multiple user tests including qualitative and quantitative, AB testing, and validation testing.
  • Led the design of a robust customer web platform.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe In设计, InVision, 草图

自由 平面设计er and Photographer

2010 - 2013
  • 设计ed multiple brand identities resulting in branding and corporate guidelines.
  • Crafted print collateral including logo designs, color theories, packaging, and brochures.
  • Photographed food for Easyfood magazine based in Ireland.
  • Photographed and designed Jade Corporate Clothing's fashion brochure.
  • Worked on product, food, people, and travel photography,.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe In设计

Senior 平面设计er

2008 - 2010
  • Produced campaigns for Discovery Health; these included designs for the layout, 海报, 横幅, 对于网络来说.
  • Led photoshoots for campaigns.
  • Created concept designs.
  • Crafted activation and packaging designs.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe In设计
2008 - 2010

Diploma in 平面设计

City Varsity - Johannesburg, South Africa

2006 - 2008

Diploma in 摄影

National College of 摄影 - Johannesburg, South Africa

2000 - 2004

High School Diploma in Arts

National School of the Arts - Johannesburg, South Africa


Professional 摄影

National College of 摄影



National College of 摄影


Intermediate Course

National College of 摄影


Adobe In设计, 赞贝林, 草图, Adobe Photoshop, 流, 插画家密室, Photoshop密室, Adobe, In设计 CC, Photoshop 设计, Photoshop CS5, InVision工作室, InVision, Adobe Illustrator


网络, 安卓, iOS

Industry Expertise

Insurance, 旅行 & 休闲, 银行 & 金融, 市场营销


布局设计, 平面设计, 用户界面设计, Conversational UI, Conversational 用户界面设计er, 线框图, 品牌, 应用程序用户界面, 用户体验流, 用户体验设计, Chatbot Conversation 设计, Scalable Application, 照片上传, Feature-driven Development (FDD), Fintech, 扫描, 数字化, 时间跟踪, 标志设计, 品牌设计, 包装, 模型, Financial 设计, Client Management, 用户流, 用户 Journey Maps, 用户需求, 卫生政策, 图形, 布局, Creative Thinking, 主题, 摄影, 网格系统, 响应用户界面, 响应, Quality Assurance (QA), Concept 草图ing, Conceptual 设计, Journey Mapping, Quantitative 研究, Qualitative 研究, 用户界面测试, 测试, 用户研究, 用户, Financial Services, Corporate 设计, 设计, 策略, 应用用户体验, IA策略

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